This research was on the assessment of Information Management in Universal Basic Education Boards in the North-western States of Nigeria.To achieve this purpose five research questions were formulated with respect to the types of Information generated, its organisation, storage and retrieval, dissemination and uses of information in State Universal Basic Education Boards in North-western States of Nigeria. Survey research method was adopted and structured questionnaire and observationwere the instruments used to collect data. The responses from the twenty one purposively sampled staff of the randomly selected Universal Basic Education Boards in the North-western States of Nigeria were studied analyzed descriptively, using tables and simple percentages. The findings reveal that pupils/students enrolment figures, schools supervision report, minutes of meetings, correspondence, examination records and personnel profiles were the types of information highly generated by the respondents in the SUBEBs studied in the North-western states of Nigeria. Alphabetical order, Subject and Title order are the major ways of organising information in the SUBEBs studied. Filing cabinet, cupboards and shelves are the main storage devices/facilities used for information storage in the SUBEBs studied in the North-western States of Nigeria. The common retrieval tools used in the SUBEBs studied were subject index, title index and catalogue. The findings further revealed that the information available in the SUBEBs studied was disseminated through the use of Written/printed media (circulars, memos, bulletins etc.), interpersonal contact, Meetings/Training and mass media channels. It was also discovered that decision making, planning, organisation and control, monitoring and evaluation, reduction of uncertainty, research and development and competitive advantage were the major uses of information in the establishments studied.The study concluded that SUBEBs in the North-western States of Nigeria utilised Information for the effective management of their organisations, however they do not fully apply the modern techniques of managing Information such as computers and telecommunication facilities. In viewoftheabovea number of recommendations were made among which are: Electronic Information management e.g. emails, e-reports, databases and interactive web pages should be established and properly maintained,adequate and appropriate steps should be taken to educate and enlighten the management and staff of SUBEBs in North-western states of Nigeria on the need for the establishment of Management Information system (MIS) in their organisations andCollaboration and resource sharing should be intensified among SUBEBs, Non-governmental organisations, UBEC, Ministries of Educations etc. in the area of Information generation and sharing among others.
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